New Music Business Information


In search of music business information that is relevant to today’s music industry? You’re in the right place. Permit me to recommend some of the best programs I’ve come across for unsigned artistes and musicians.

1. New Music Economy

new music economyThe first program I’d like to recommend is New Music Economy. If you are to buy just one course from the various recommendations on this page, this is the one. As they say on the New Music Economy site, there are two types of musicians, those who play just for fun and those who want to make money and be successful. New Music Economy helps you do the latter. It will provide you with new music business information that will change the way you see the industry and the way you generate money. If you are serious about having a career in today’s music industry, if you want to make your dream living as a professional musician, this program is for you. It will help you focus on what really matters, which is building an army of fans in a way that pays your bills.

2. Music Marketing Insider Circle

The second one I’d like to recommend is the Music Marketing Insider Circle. This is an online membership community and training platform for musicians interested in advanced music marketing. This training program is offered by the experienced John Oszajca from Music Marketing Manifesto. He sells the program for $27 dollars and for what it offers I find it to be well worth the price. This program will change the way you think about the music business.

If you want to be a real money making musician you ought to check this out. I found the content in the members area to be very profound. John gives you a system that is very clear and easy to implement. This is a very human approach to music marketing. There’s something for everyone in this thorough program. For valuable music business information to help independent musicians make it in today’s environment, this is it.

3. Guerilla Music Marketing Handbook

Do you want to take your music marketing and music promotion to a higher level? Do you want to boost your music business career? Then you should certainly read The Guerilla Music Marketing Handbook. I feel very strongly about this ebook and recommend it highly.  It’s one of the best ebooks I’ve discovered on music marketing and promotion.

4. Independent Musician’s Guide

Fourthly, do you want to learn how to sell your music online? This guide teaches independent musicians and artistes how to sell music in the largest online music stores, such as itunes, Rhapsody, eMusic, Real Networks and more. You learn how to set up a corporation, copyright your music, prepare music for online sales, submit your music to distributors, join performing rights associations, and promote using inexpensive marketing techniques. It also includes information on recording and mastering your music.

This ebook is pretty cheap. It sells for $9.99 but is worth much more. Money well spent. For music business information that can lead to your success as a musician,

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